Skauting pre chlapcov = Príručka pre tréning dobrého občianstva / Róbert Baden-Powell. ; Mgr. Lucia Šucháňová. – Bratislava [Slovakia] : Slovenský skauting, 2004. – 279 p. : ill. 21 x 14 cm
In Slovak
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With chronology of life of Baden-Powell
With The Chief’s last message
With bibliography of Baden-Powell
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With explanation of scouting
With table of contents
With index
With introduction by Olave Baden-Powell
With resolution adopted by the Biennial International Scout Conference held in Copenhagen, August 1924
Based on 35 English edition 1991
ISBN 8089136-09-5
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