The project ‘Scouting for Boys ‘Round the World’...

. . . is developing a global overview of editions of Baden-Powells’ book Scouting for Boys. Through this initiative, you can become aware of the global legacy of Scouting and its shared values.

What we do

‘Scouting for Boys ‘round the world’  is developing a global overview of editions of Baden-Powells’ book Scouting for Boys. Through this initiative, you can become aware of the global legacy of Scouting and its shared values and how young people are empowered with skills to create a better world.

The database currently contains 492 editions issued in 63 countries in 44 languages

For sale at the webshop editions of Scouting for Boys from 15 countries in 9 languages!

€ 30,00
World Catalogue

Scouting for Boys ‘round the world

Scouting for Boys ‘round the world

Bertwin Lussenburg

English | 450+ Editions from Scouting for Boys issued in 61 countries in 48 languages | Includes introductions from Michael Baden-Powell, Ahmad Alhendawi (WOSM) and Wouter Zilverberg (Scouting Netherlands) | 231 pages | 2021

 ISBN 978-90-828615-0-1

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