About us

‘Scouting for Boys ‘round the world’  offers a global overview of editions of Baden-Powells’ book Scouting for Boys. Through this initiative, you can become aware of the global legacy of Scouting and its shared values. 

What we do

‘Scouting for Boys ‘round the world’ offers a global overview of editions of Baden-Powells’ book Scouting for Boys. Through this initiative, young people can become aware of the global legacy of Scouting and its shared values.

  • Scouting is based upon the ideas described by Robert Baden-Powell in his book, and  provides young people with the opportunity to participate in programmes, events, activities and projects that contribute to their growth as active citizens (in society). Through these initiatives, young people become agents of positive change who inspire others to take action.

Our key initiatives

  • To promote the book Scouting for Boys and its relevance today during scout events.
  • To build up a global database of editions of the book Scouting for Boys which is publicly accessible, and can be consulted via this website.
  • To encourage and support National Scouting Organisations to publish their own edition of Scouting for Boys.
  • To publish the world catalogue ‘Scouting for Boys ‘round the world’. 

To build up and share a complete global overview of editions of the book Scouting for Boys.


The mission of ‘Scouting for Boys ‘round the world’ is to raise awareness of the global legacy of Scouting and its contribution to the education of young people, through a system of  values based on the Scout Oath and Law,  which encourage building a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.