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Reference: BR-2006-00

Escotismo para rapazes = Um manual de instrução em boa cididania por meio das artes mateiras / Baden-Powell of Gilwell. – 6. – Curitiba [Brazil] : União dos Escoteiros do Brazil, 2006. – 324 p. : ill. 21 x 15 cm
In Portuguese
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With chronology of life of Baden-Powell
With The Chief’s last message
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With index
Centenario edition
Edition of 2.000 copies
With notes from Altamiro Vilhena
With notes from Luiz Cesar de Simas Horn
World Brotherhood Edition 1946

Reference: BR-2008-00

Escotismo para Rapazes = Um manuel de instrução em boa cidadania por meio das artes mateiras / de Baden-Powell de Gilwell. – Reed. 2006, [Repr. 2008]. – Curitiba : União dos Escoteiros do Brasil, Escritório nacional, 2008. – 321 p. : ill. ; ? x ? cm
In Portuguese
Commemorative Edition of the Scout Movement
With Table of contents
With introduction for the Commemorative Edition of the Centenary of Scouting by Paulo Salamuni, Marcos Venice Mattos Chaves and Adir Barusso
With introduction for the World Fellowship Edition of Scouting for Boys by J.S. Wilson
With The Story of B.P. = Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell by William Hillcourt
With key dates of life of B.-P. and of the history of World Scouting
With Foreword by Baden-Powell of Gilwell
With Scout Promise, Official text the Union of Scouts of Brasil
With Scout Law, Official text the Union of Scouts of Brasil
With Scout Promise, Translation of Baden-Powell’s original text
With Scout Law, Translation of Baden-Powell’s original text
With Last Message
With Editor’s Notes
World Brotherhood Edition 1946

Reference: BR-2013-10

Escotismo para rapazes = Um manual de instrução em boa cididania por meio das artes mateiras / Baden-Powell. – 2006, 3rd reprint. – Curitiba [Brazil] : Uniao dos Escoteiros do Brasil, October, 2013. – 320 p. : ill. 21 x 15 cm
In Portuguese
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With chronology of life of Baden-Powell
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With explanation of scouting
With table of contents
With index
Edition of 1.500 copies.
World Brotherhood Edition 1946

Reference: BR-2018-00

Escotismo para Rapazes = Um manuel de instrução em boa cidadania por meio das artes mateiras / de Baden-Powell de Gilwell. – Reed. 2006, [6th Repr. September 2018]. – Curitiba : União dos Escoteiros do Brasil, Escritório nacional, 2018. – 320 p. : ill. ; ? x ? cm
In Portuguese
With Table of contents
With introduction for the World Fellowship Edition of Scouting for Boys by J.S. Wilson
With The Story of B.P. = Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell by William Hillcourt
With key dates of life of B.-P. and of the history of World Scouting
With Foreword by Baden-Powell of Gilwell
With Scout Promise, Official text the Union of Scouts of Brasil
With Scout Law, Official text the Union of Scouts of Brasil
With Scout Promise, Translation of Baden-Powell’s original text
With Scout Law, Translation of Baden-Powell’s original text
With Last Message
With Editor’s Notes
World Brotherhood Edition 1946

Reference: CA-1911-00

Scouting for Boys / Sir Robert Baden-Powell. – Toronto [Canada] : Morang & Co., Limited (Toronto) , 1911. – 352 p. : ill. 20 x 14 cm
In English

Reference: CA-1937-00

Scouting for Boys / Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell. – [S.l.] [Canada] : [s.n.], 1937. – 334 p. : ill. 19 x 13 cm
In English
Special Canadian Edition

Reference: CA-1940-00

Scouting for Boys = A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship Through Woodcraft / By Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell. – 2. – [S.l.] [Canada] : [s.n.], 1940. – 334 p. : ill. 18 x 13 cm
In English
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With explanation of scouting
With index
Special Canadian Edition
With reading list

Reference: CA-1947-00

Scouting for Boys / By Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell. – 3. – London [Canada] : C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 1947. – 224 p. : ill. 19 x 13 cm
In English
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With index
Boys’ Edition (Special Canadian Edition)

Reference: CA-1954-00

Scouting for Boys = A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship and Through Woodcraft / By Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell. – [S.l.] [Canada] : National Council, Boy Scouts of Canada, 1954. – 331 p. : ill. 20 x 13 cm
In English
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With The Chief’s last message
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With explanation of scouting
With index
Based on Scout brotherhood edition
World Brotherhood Edition 1946

Reference: CA-1956-00

Skautybė berniukams / Robertas Baden-Powell’is ; Viktoras Kamantauskas, editor – Vytautas Čepas. – 2. – Toronto [Canada] : L.S.B. Vadjia, 1956. – 309 p. : ill. 18 x 13 cm
In Lithuanian
Edition of 1,000 copies.

Reference: CA-2006-00


Scouting for Boys = A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship Through Woodcraft / By Baden-Powell of Gilwell. – 2006. – 223 digital p. : ill.
In English
Digital version 4,8 MB
Downloaded from: “The Dump” at
With table of contents
With preface bij B/.-P.
With explanation scouting
With foreword by Baden Powell of Gilwell
With Introduction by Rowallan (1951)

Reference: CL-1912-00

Guía del Scout / Jeneral Sir Robert Baden-Powell ; Maximiano Flores. – Santiago de Chile [Chile] : Boy Scouts de Chile, 1912. – 563 p. : ill. 18 x 13 cm
In Spanish
With dust jacket.
Based on Based on 3rd English edition 1910

Reference: CL-2008-00

Escultismo Para Muchachos (Scouting for Boys) = “Un manual de instrucción en buena ciudadanía haciendo vida de campaña” / Por Baden-Powell de Gilwell.. – 13. – Santiago de Chile [Chile] : Imprenta Scout, Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Chile, 2008. – 243 p. : ill. 22 x 16 cm
In Spanish
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With The Chief’s last message
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With table of contents
With foreword of the 13th Edition by Daniel Mémdez Farago.
With Introduction World Brotherhood Edition Scouting for Boys by John Skinner Wilson.
With presentation by the Editor.
With resolution adopted by the Biennial International Scout Conference held in Copenhagen, August 1924 on cover.
ISBN 977-56-062-5

Reference: CN-19??-00

Scouting for Boys = (Scouts’ edition) / [Baden-Powell]. – [S.l.] [China] : [s.n.]. – 520 p. : ill. 18 x 11 cm
In Chinese

Reference: CN-19??-00-1

[Scouting for Boys] / [Baden-Powell]. – [Part 1]. – [S.l.] [China] : [s.n.]. – 240 p. : ill. 20 x 15 cm
In Chinese