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Escultismo Para Muchachos (Scouting for Boys) = “Un manual de instrucción en buena ciudadanía haciendo vida de campaña” / Por Baden-Powell de Gilwell.. – 13. – Santiago de Chile [Chile] : Imprenta Scout, Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Chile, 2008. – 243 p. : ill. 22 x 16 cm
In Spanish
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With The Chief’s last message
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With table of contents
With foreword of the 13th Edition by Daniel Mémdez Farago.
With Introduction World Brotherhood Edition Scouting for Boys by John Skinner Wilson.
With presentation by the Editor.
With resolution adopted by the Biennial International Scout Conference held in Copenhagen, August 1924 on cover.
ISBN 977-56-062-5

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