Balakdera Scouta Shiksha = [Scout Education for Boys] / Baden-Powell ; Mohammed Wazed Ali. – 3. – [S.I.] [Bangladesh] : [s.n.] 2022. – 384 p. :illIn BengaliEdited by Nizammuddin AhemedWith table of contentsWith indexWorld Brotherhood Edition 1946
(Scouting for Boys) = 1907 – 1957 / Baden-Powell. – [S.l.] [Bangladesh] : [s.n.], 1957. – 525 p. : ill. 19 x 13 cmIn BengaliCommemorates Jubiles Year of Scouting as well as the Centinary of B.P. the founder
[Scouting for Boys] = (Scouting for Boys) / Baden-Powell ; Wajid Ali. – Reprint 1957. – [S.l.] [Bangladesh] : [s.n.], 2007. – 378 p. : ill. 21 x 14 cmIn BengaliWith foreword by Azizul HuqISBN 984-32-1620-8