Escutismo para Rapazes = Manual de Educação Cívica pela Vida ao Ar Livre / por Baden-Powell de Gilwell ; Lobo de Penha. – [S.l.] [Portugal] : Corpo Nacional de Escutas Católico Portugués, March, 2007. – 342 p. : ill. 22 x 16 cm
In Portuguese
With Introduction written by B-P in 1932
With The Chief’s last message
With scout promise, scout law and scout principles
With table of contents
Millennium Edition 1907-2007
With resolution adopted by the Biennial International Scout Conference held in Copenhagen, August 1924
With note of the Translator Lobo de Penha
With In offer
With introduction to the first edition by John Wilson, 1954
Hard cover
ISBN 972-740149-X
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